Waterma in ICARM 2022

The tank-cleaning robot paper of Waterma was accepted by ICARM2022 conference.

Shijian will be the speaker of Waterma to introduce the tank-cleaning robot program.

our research

Who we are

AI could be one of most useful technology in environment

We're a team of scientists, engineers, ethicists and more, committed to solving intelligence, to advance science and benefit humanity.


from 2022

Tank Cleaning Robot

Effective and Efficient

Big Tank Cleaning Robot

Max 30 Hours Long


shijian ma

I am the author of Waterma website. Technology and life are my favorites.


Cleaning in Huge Tank

For the first time, Waterma's robot did cleaning work in a huge tank.

Public Benefit Activities

I led my team to hold a public benefit activity to clean up water surface garbage in June 2021.

First Waterma Robot

After a long wait and constant experiments, our first robot was born in May 2021!